Maintenance Tips For Your Industrial Air Compressor To Reduce Costs

If you own a factory that uses an industrial air compressor, you might have noticed that it uses quite a bit of power, which can send your energy bills through the roof. This can be frustrating because increased energy bills on top of maintenance costs for your air compressor can result in it being an expensive piece of equipment to run. Here are some maintenance tips that could help lower costs. 

1. Clean the Water Used for Cooling

You are likely using water to cool your air compressor down so that it can continue functioning at a high vacuum level without overheating. However, you might not be putting a ton of effort into filtering or cleaning the water that you use for cooling. This can be a huge problem because dirt in the cooling water can result in less efficient condensation or a clogged fan that is directing the cooling condensed water at the air compressor. If you make sure that the largest dirt particles are removed on a regular basis, you can increase the rate at which cool, condensed water is blown at the compressor and therefore the overall rate of cooling.

2. Get Rid of Leaks

If you have leaks in your compressed air storage containers, you are going to end up having to compress more air than you would otherwise actually need to. This can result in you spending a ton more money than you need to on the energy required to compress the air. You can find leaks by using an ultrasonic leak detection tool.

3. Dry the Air Before It Reaches the Compressor

It tends to take more energy to compress air that has moisture in it than it does to compress air that is completely dry. If you want to cut costs, install and maintain air dryers along the route that air takes while it is being pushed to the compressor. Another way to reduce overall condensation content in the air is to put it in a less intense after-cooler after cooling it the first time in order to make sure that the condensation that generally gathers near coolers can be removed.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in industrial air compressors or visit a site like They might be able to suggest a system for drying the air that you are trying to condense between when you cool it and when it is actually compressed.
